A medical assistant is a health care worker who carries administrative and clinical duties in health care centres like hospitals and clinics. These duties comprise various tasks like taking care of patients, laboratory tests, recording medical treatments of patients and managing appointments.

However, there are few people who are not aware of the types of medical assistant certification. Probably, they just know about medical assistant degree program. But from this article you would get to know 5 types of certification, which one can achieve, if one is thinking to pursue for medical assistant program.

Certified medical assistant: This is the first step for an individual to be a medical assistant. However, for this a candidate needs to attain certification from either Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs or from the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools.
Registered medical assistant: Likewise for certified medical assistant, a registered assistant also needs to attain certification from Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs or from Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools. However registered medical assistant is a higher level profile than normal certified medical assistant profile.

Podiatry certification: Not only a medical assistant can be a certified or registered nurse but can also certify in the field of podiatry. However in order to attain this certification, an individual needs to first get employed in a podiatric medical office and then take up the exam.

Optometry certification: It has 3 levels of certification: Certified Paraoptometric, Certified Paraoptometric Assistant, and Certified Paraoptometric Technician. The certified Paraoptometric is a high school diploma program and needs to have 6 months experience in the eye care field. Respectively, a certified Paraoptometric assistant certification is a higher degree program that requires 6 months experience in the eye care field, along with CPO certification. And lastly for the certified Paraoptometric technician requires to take 5 years of experience because this is the most qualified job profile in the field of optometry.

Ophthalmology certification: It has 3 levels of certification for the assistants: certified ophthalmic assistant, certified ophthalmic technician and certified ophthalmic medical technologist. Certified ophthalmic assistant is the basic certification, which is required to be taken by the assistant. Whereas on other hand certified ophthalmic technician requires a candidate to work as an Ophthalmic Assistant for at least one year, or needs to graduate from an accredited ophthalmic technician program. A certified ophthalmic medical technologist certification requires taking two years of college or training program.

From all the above types of certification, you must have got an idea that being a medical assistant is totally a win-win situation (because medical assistant courses provides other speciality certification also).
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11/22/2014 04:41:02 pm

This is the first step for an individual to be a medical assistant. However, for this a candidate needs to attain certification from either Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs or from the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools.

vicky Esperanza
6/5/2015 05:31:12 pm


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